Welcome to the new NYCLASS website. Here is a quick guide designed to help you locate the features you are accustomed to.
The login to your NYCLASS MYACCESS account can be found at the top right hand corner of every page. Your login credentials will remain the same.
- NYCLASS Yields, Client Services, and the Document Center
Yields for NYCLASS can be located by selecting the NYCLASS Yields icon on the scrolling navigation menu. Contact information for the NYCLASS Client Service Team can be located by selecting the Contact NYCLASS icon in either the scrolling navigation menu or via the menu located in the upper right hand corner.The Document Center contains important program information as well as the documents needed to open a new account or make amendments to your current account.
- Insights for Investors and Portfolio Characteristics
The Insights for Investors page is home to NYCLASS newsletters, economic updates, and additional educational information. For a description of the fund portfolio, visit the Portfolio Characteristics page on the scrolling menu.